Endless Sniper is pretty much what it sayson the tin: A gallery shooter in a similar vein toOperation Wolf or other '80s and '90s era arcadelight gun shooters. As the scenery scrolls by, you'll drag anywhere on thescreen to aim your scope and use either of the buttons in the lower corners topop shots off at an assortment of adorable pixelated enemies. Most enemies willtake notice of you attempting to assassinate them, so you'll also need to keepan eye out before they have a chance to attack you back, which will end yourgame. Is it tough blasting cute little pixel art bad guys? Yeah, but that'sjust part of the job of a sniper.
无尽狙击手就像广告说的那样,很有野狼行动或者其他80/90年代的线枪射击游戏(注:类似跳舞毯流行时代的,对着电视射击)。随着场景的移动,你可以拖动屏幕任何一处去瞄准然后用屏幕角落点射像素化的敌人。大多数敌人会注意到你试图行刺他们,所以你需要注意别人他们偷袭了你,这样你就game over了。那么打击这些像素坏蛋困难吗?是的,但这就是狙击手要做的事情。