0MIT researchers demonstrate that strong churning during hot liquid state can produce stronger, more uniformly structured large aluminum casts. Solidified cross-sections from aluminum ingots were made using a conventional method (top) and a new jet metal process developed by MIT researchers. “The introduction of the jet induced a completely different recirculation of the grains, and therefore you get different microstructure all along the section,” says MIT Assistant Professor Antoine Allanore. Samuel Wagstaff PhD ’16 stands next to 6,000 aluminum alloy ingots at Novelis in Sierre, Switze
1Greater access to services raises daily spending, especially among female-headed households. A new study estimates that, since 2008, access to mobile-money services — which allow users to store and exchange monetary values via mobile phone — increased daily per capita consumption levels of 194,000, or roughly 2 percent, of Kenyan households, lifting them out of extreme poverty (living on less than $1.25 per day). Mobile-money services have also helped an estimated 185,000 women move from farming to business occupations, the study says.