0Good afternoon,everyone. First of all thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion. Knowledge is power. Is the goal of education is to give kids knowledge or not? My answers to this question is yes. On one hand, as you know,knowledge is power. Knowledge can give us power and make us more useful. On the other hand,if our education can not give kids knowledge,how can our kids read and write? How can they enjoy a better life. So the goal of our enducation is to give kids knowledge. Only when our education can give kids knowledge will our kids live better life. That"s
1I wrote that post on Feb 24 on purpose. Likewise, I write this one today with connotation. I bet u know who I am, so I use this brand new id, for this is my way of saying farewell. I have no interest in ur endless kids game, but I can't help reminding myself of February 24, cuz I used to take the #224 bus almost every day for nearly 2 yrs. What a coincidental tragedy u take it as ur half-real birthday. U r not sensible, principled and honest enough to be a true friend, but just a vacuous soul with clumsy inconsistencies. U always prefer a box of matches rather than a heater cuz of ur quantity-
1打酱油归 失瓶盖 溅三滴 落于地 甚惜之 黄昏时 返家中 备饭菜 酱油免 滴未沾 以偿失 夜难眠 终入寐 做一梦 翌晨起 忆犹新 略有所感 遂作打油诗 聊述梦中情景 囧囧囧囧囧囧囧 鲜酿生抽平价售 囧囧囧囧囧囧囧 香客络绎祝融楼 周吴郑王举不休 东来紫气降仙叟 言暄目善将诲授 万生多嗜酒浇愁 翌日还醒诸般忧 屐快身轻风满袖 载乐而过打酱油 磅称浅瓶尽在手 丈量心海弗见头 填海莫如瓶盛油 香溢美漾意蕴幽 囧囧囧囧囧囧囧 缺斤少两赔栋楼 囧囧囧囧囧