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    经核实吧主frb1977113 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 江承熹吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    贴吧十年,时光匆匆,再回首,白驹过隙一分钟。 那些褪色的青春梦,普通得不能再普通,玩贴吧的都懂。 贾君鹏,追贴,抢楼,往事如风,足迹不留空。 http://tieba.baidu.com/home/zuji
    frb1977113 12-21
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    胡佳琪的双胞胎姐姐胡佳意上周和男友江承熹闹分手,之后在推特写下疑似有意轻生的“告别”留言。胡佳琪前天代姐姐澄清:“她只是想去放个假。” 她透露姐姐和男友因为一些小事吵架,但目前已经和好如初。
    frb1977113 10-10
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    https://twitter.com/cheng_xi07 这是承熹的微薄地址,英文版本的
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    hi all.... haha... updates of my life.... despite me being jobless and doing nth... i feel tt everyday is eventful n fun... haha.. til the point tt i don have time to sleep... i guess this is a prelude to my mundane working life tt is soon to come ba... what do i always do leh... i play soccer during weekends... i play squash one of the weekdays... bowling also.... den go movies... go shopping... go party... go for drinks... and my all weekly without fail poker night... all these is enough to keep my every week busy le... know its not gonna last thou... but will enjoy while it last...
    月亮 12-3
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    第一次看他感觉他香港的一个演员   男版胡杏儿
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    frb1977113 7-19
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    admission time... haha...chengxi fell in love.. maybe not love la... can't say tt... been there... done tt... know its not... love takes time... haha... but chengxi like someone... ops! but as history prevail.... the person chengxi likes don like chengxi de la... i guess... haha.. don know... hmmz... talking to frens again.. as i am a professional slacker nowadays.. do nth, meet frens... play.... haha.... anyway... discover tt there is actually 2 sides of mi.... 2-face... as reminded by my fren who describe the 2 side each wif a vulgar hokkien word.. but i shall replace them wif juz &q
    frb1977113 5-26
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    psssed! i graduated!!! i am ****ing happy!!!! i am kang cheng xi!! thank everyone!!! I AM FREAKING DRUNK!!!!
    frb1977113 5-25
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    Hi everyone! haha... tml is my final time hopefully going back ntu to do academic stuff... just hoping all the other times is for fun or for convocation... haha..... going to submit final year project which i am going to dive into doing after this post... hee... Anyway... went out alot... catch up wif lotsa frens recently... realised tt many talked bout relationship problems... everyone always have one sentence... "wo yao de hen jian dan" ( what i want is very simple )... true... i tot so too! what i wan is very simple... as my gf... i don expect much from her... haha... so for mi
    frb1977113 5-17
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    Today did variety show the whole day! haha.. wif bryan wong, Calvin Soh and Jin jie ( jin yin ji)... hee... very very fun.. very long nv do any shows le... haha... not bad lor.. hee... quite enjoy.. going ard the island and eat n eat n eat... haha... i loving eating.. which explains y my increasing waistline as highlighted by bryan.. haha.. as compared to 3 years ago at staridol la... haha... Too bad nv take any photos... aiyo... haha... juz not my habit la... looks like i got an interesting life so i muz share wif everyone! ( someone told mi i got an interesting life)... OK... was doing th
    frb1977113 5-13
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    Hmmz... late late at night... thou playing some random games online.. but think... have to blog!! haha.. and will blog a long long longgggggggggggg oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... haha... cos someone will read secretly in school right? ops! hhaa... reminded mi a few times... so here i am wif my blog post and photos ( yes, i tried to tk liao)... :)
    frb1977113 5-11
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    Hee... hmmz.. don know does this disappoint any of my readers... i think will la... not recontracting wif mediacorp... 1st july officially last day as mediacorp artiste la... so.... should be no next show le.. haha.. but its okay... hee... one door shuts many doors open.. and am very sure many of those doors will be better... hha!!! sorry to disappoint arh... :)
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    okay... i am always slow.. slow in my feelings.. so i didn't felt anything when i wasn't renewed la... didn't wanted to say much too thou.. but since jiaxi like post so much about me.. maybe i should just be honest bout it myself... the questions pple wanted to ask should be "are you disappointed?"... maybe if i say i am not a tat disappointed is lying ba... ok.. during the course of today i told many lies.. haha... i am disappointed la.. As during the course of my university life, i was having quite some problems managing, so obviously have this wish of concentrating on
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    Have anyone seen the advert where there is this tkgs girl who her dad bought her a pair of cheaper heels and then she broke them at a party... came back with lotsa anger and the dad still mend it for her... found a even better dad... which is my dad! He washes all my clothes for me when i brought like 20 kg of clothes back from hall... change my fish tank water for mi ( thou killing 4 fishes in the process).. and den help jx stick his shoe back for him when they are spoilt (as shown above)... honestly.. thou my mom always say him and stuff... he just quietly doing his duty as a dad... thou he
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    haha.. didn't celebrate much the day after.. but from then til now.. its celebration max!!! haha... didn't even have much time to online or sleep.. sleep like 2hrs a day average? haha.. even more jialat den exams period but i am loving every bit of it... Went for a lunch date yday, den followed by going to best fren's sis bday... den movie... den poker thru the night... and morning too la... til 10 plus in the morning... its juz madness... haha... went back to took a little wink and wake up to go orchard for ktv! haha... den dinner and movie.. den ta da!!! back home!! exhausted.. t
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    111 post!! haha... looks like something like 111111111 kinda thingy arh... haha.. announcing....... (drumroll) KANG CHENG XI finish his last exams!! haha... if no subject fails... i would have taken my last exams and graduated le... only next week got fyp presentation... haha!!! omg omg!! but hor.. today also nv celebrate much... think too tired le la... haha... more n more become zai nan... finding fun online... haha... hooked to bejewelled blitz which i don know y... haha....
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    Recently thou exams... but i was really happy... think somehow... got over tt gloomy sadness le ba ( which followed mi like forever since...)... put a happy song.. but now.. switch to emo song... y? haha.. not cause emo... cos i don know how... found this song in my itune.. wonder how it got there.... den realise its very nice! share wif u all... hee...
    frb1977113 4-26
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    haha... 5.52 am.. 3 more hours to paper... thinking of mac breakfast... chinese lit... open book... thinking of just not studying and go in and try... haha... ops! thou i am copying some notes now... changed a happy song! cos i just finish my 3rd paper today! ( i got 8 btw... plus the ever annoying fyp)... happy cos all the 3 papers so far are quite easy.. but they are the easy papers la... hard papers coming up! the next 5.... its so omg lor... feels younger recently... haha!!! i wonder why.... i am feeling so weird that my paper is 3 hours away and i got loads to study but can't find tt
    frb1977113 4-23
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    A question for everyone... ok.. everyone knows beijing is at the north of china... nanjing is at the south of beijing.. than dongjing (tokyo) is at the east of this 2 place in japan... since there is north, south and east... so where is the west (xi jing)? if there isn't, y there is no xi jing ne? everyone make some guess... i shall reveal the answer soon.... haha!!!
    frb1977113 4-15
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    Help!!! can anyone tell mi desperate housewife trailer for this week.. the english song playing in the background is what song? sounds familiar and nice but can't rem what song...
    frb1977113 4-11
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    haha.. finding myself posting always ard 4 plus... don't know y.... maybe this is a time where majority of the pple is already sleeping ba... caught slumdog millionaire today.. its really a very very gd show! no wonder win so much oscars! and i got my beloved ipod touch back... haha.. ipod touch.......... wanna study le... don know what to say again... anyway... some of my fan i guess... added mi on facebook... my real facebook la.. maybe they lucky or what la... very farnie lo... talk to mi thinking i am the fake one... den i ask them to ask mi questions so i could prove that i am the rea
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    its 430 in the middle of the night... again..... wo si mian le.... As much as i know i should be writing a report.. but nah... am not going to do it.. tml i will do it in sch... Juz got to know something.... accidentally.... Truth hurts....... PS: not another emo post... nth much.. .random tots...
    frb1977113 3-24
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    today i keep listening to this guo jing's song... hmmmz... post it in my blog le... seems quite nice leh... but can't listen to it le.. cos sent my ipod in for servicing... something spoilt.. haha..sianz.... past week have being a madness week.. i did a 38 hrs never sleep to rush out my fyp report.. which i think its quite not gd la.. but hand in the draft le.. now i have cyber security report... biobiz project, air pollution project up.. and 3 weeks time is exams! 10 subjects!! omg.. haha.. last lap last lap.. do everything nice nice den grad le.. hmmz... missing studies time in starb
    frb1977113 3-19
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    hi all!! i change song again le.. its back to chinese again.. haha.. sorry arh.. for those who don understand chinese.. but this is kinda like my fav song... was on my way home in the car when i heard it over the radio... ok... i shall cut the crap over whatever story n what i feel la.. just... enjoy the song!
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    SOMETIME WHEN WE TOUCH You ask me if I love you and I choke on my reply I'd rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie And who am I to judge you on what you say or do? I'm only just beginning to see the real you. And sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you till I die till we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides Romance and all its strategy leaves me battling with my pride But through the insecurity some tenderness survives I'm just another w
    frb1977113 2-25
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    its 0440 am in the morning.. half time between man utd vs inter milan, barcelona vs lyon, arsenal vs roma... haha... i am watching soccer... half time ma.. staring at my lap top also don know what to do... haha... few days ago i cook my best and na shou de instant noodle for myself... hmmz... its really very very nice lo... decided... i shall now teach pple how cook the best instant nooodle ever! haha... everytime i eat i feel very blissful... i guess its the same feel for anyone who tried it ba... haha... try cooking it! ingredient: 1 pack of maggi curry noodle ( don buy the non-msg on
    frb1977113 2-25
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    我失眠了。 its 3 am right now... i am tossing n turning on my bed can't get to sleep... on the computer... trying to find some stuff to do... and realise that... i could blog! its 100th post already! hmmz... 100.... milestone isn't it? reading back... i realise... times really change from post 1 to now... maybe things change... i grown up certainly... Having some tots at my head right now... hmmz.... ever tried very hard to sleep but can't before? and those tots.... you just can't seems to find a solution to it... its like only at night... in darkness... when you can
    frb1977113 2-19
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    Omg omg... i am currently stuck in the jin yong's story line... after the repeated show of yi tian tu long ji on channel 8, i started on the tian long ba bu... and now.... my bro bought the new she diao ying xiong chuan... haha.... and we still have shen diao xia lu next... haha.... i am so glued to tv lo... haha.. super glued... anyone like any of those? haha.... The weird thing is... haa... watching this show make me like yang kang more then guo jing! haha... but..... lin yi chen is so so super cute! love her to bits! haha...
    frb1977113 2-19
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    可能是因为这个学期修读了中华文学 as elective 吧!有一种想用华语写东西的感觉。 昨天晚上我去了机场送我两个好朋友。他们要到苏州去attachment半年。我从家里骑摩托车去,一边骑,一边听mp3. 去机场的路是ECP, 在我上了ecp时,mp3刚好开始播“非你莫属”。 突然想起了很多事,这条路如此的熟悉,是一条我在不久以前每天走的路。不知为何,我马上伸手进口袋按掉这首歌,换去下一首。 但。。。 回忆已不断,还记得两个月前,我也是在深夜去
    frb1977113 2-13
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    今天用房间的电脑做project. 可以用中文写blog, 所以就写咯。 我今天还在生病,但这次生病没有mood去好好把我的病医好。直到咳到有血丝才在昨晚喝了妈妈泡的参茶。今天有一点康复了。 今天在学校我发现了不知为何,我有三个朋友都不约而同地在今天分手了。我想有其中的一位现在应该睡不着,很伤心吧。我却有种过来人的感觉。情人节快到了,有个朋友会在那天结婚。在这里恭喜他了。NIKKY!!! CONGRATS!!!对不起不能够如我所答应的去观
    frb1977113 2-13
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    Haha... don have to salute me la.. its a course i take in sch ma.. so i watched in class.. but it did evoke a liking for bollywood movie in me! haha... will try to catch those tt u mentioned.. since i live near little india.. can go there find... haha..!!
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    Hi everyone! haven update for super long... as i answered to some of you, i don know what to say.. or.... got nth to say also la... but today... i felt the urge... the urge for this post... to say something.. and that is................... haha.... is actually to intro a film to everyone who visit this blog to see.... The title is "KUCH KUCH
    frb1977113 1-31
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    frb1977113 1-27
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    happy chinese 牛 year happy chinese new year.. haha
    frb1977113 1-25
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    江承熹第1次拍戏即跟阿哥李南星合作,让他受益匪浅,因他可是从李南星身上偷了不少师! “我第1天拍戏就面对李南星,他是比较慢熟,但相处半天后,他会主动指点我该怎样去演,又哪里演得不好,我从他身上学了不少东西,尤其是看到他如何用眼神去表达恐惧、怀疑、生气等各种不同的情感,他的眼神功力很厉害。我每次都躲在小电视旁偷师,但到自己去演并不容易。” 江承熹在剧中饰演李南星弟弟,患有遗传性睡眠症,他笑说,因之前
    frb1977113 1-22
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    最近在追一房半厅一水缸 很喜欢看江承熹和谢宛谕 也不懂作莫酱喜欢看他们 就觉得很Q很配咯在戏里 然后这部戏的头两集我是在家看的嘛 所以就算现在我到了这里 也要把它追看完 ? 前天张慧汶on9 (难得的一次) 就讲到她打工的店生意很好 然后江承熹某天也在她店吃过pasta 还跟她讲掰掰 其实以前没有很支持他的 只懂他不会演戏 不过样子很搞笑? (明星偶像的男生真的都不会演戏的 讲真) 不过也懂他是颇受欢迎的啦当时 不然现在也不会接拍
    frb1977113 1-10
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    Forewords ---人物--- 王俊尚- 江承熹♂ 王俊然-黄俊雄♂ 沈念颖- 陈靓瑄♀ 李慧君- 欧萱♀ ---人物介绍--- 王俊尚- 江承熹♂ 热爱烹饪 成绩不是平常的烂 有一点吝啬 王俊然-黄俊雄♂ 热爱音乐 成绩是一流的 是每个女生喜欢的类型 沈念颖- 陈靓瑄♀ 父母早已经去卖咸鸭蛋了 心地善良 自己打工养活自己 在惠君家组一间房间 李慧君- 欧萱♀ 非常爱做白日梦 家里非常有钱,但喜欢独立 念颖的朋友也是他的房东 ---故事---★ 俊尚是一
    frb1977113 1-10
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    看了关于承熹回母校的报道,觉得他进入的演艺圈后没有很'拽' 还是那么的平易近人..值得表扬。那个《一房半厅》他演的很不错。“我知道,你不知道”的那一段实在太精彩了。 看他演FIONA真好笑了>醯盟导鸯湟埠懿淮恚Ω迷谘菀杖Ψ⒄挂彩恰S忻挥腥巳鲜端撬チ饺耍克堑母鲂院芟嘞衤穑克撬降紫戮褪悄敲雌揭捉说穆穑
    frb1977113 1-10
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    Cx: Happy new year everyone!!! haha.. sch reopening in 1 day!!! 3 Jan 09, 18:15
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    Hi all!! haha.. its me updating again.. hee... as u all know... i just went desaru for holiday!! haven get the photos from my mom yet but took 2 photos from kota tinggi waterfall (shown below)
    frb1977113 12-22

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