1经核实吧主敏敏库库 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 小亚水王吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
5@敏敏库库 亚亚姐T^T
10我要水到可以一键签到 g
0- schwann cells - satellite cells
0- astrocyte - blood-brain barrier - oligodendrocytes - myelin sheath - microglia - phagocytosis - ependymal cells - produce cerebrospinal fluid
0- physical structure of nervous tissue - repair framework of nervous tissue - undertake phagocytosis - nutrient supply to neurons - regulate interstitial fluid in neural tissue
0- found in both CNS and PNS - make up half volume of CNS - smaller than neuron but more numerous - do not proagate action potentials, but can communicate - can divide within mature nervous system
0- multipolar - most CNS neurons - bipolar - retina - unipolar - sensory receptor
0have a cell body into which short, branched dendrites convey action potentials and from which a long, single axon conducts nerve impulses to another neuron or tissue
2nervous tissue is the essential component of nervous systen The nervous system has two main subdivisions: - central nervous system - brain and spinal cord - pheripheral nervous system - all nervous tissue outside CNS the nervous system helps to: maintain homeostasis (along with endocrine system) initiates voluntary movements responsible for preception, behavir and memory
2myofibrils more or less fill the sacroplasm of the muscle fibre and extend its entire length within the cell myofibrils are composed of two types of filaments (myofilaments) - thin filaments - mostly actin - thick filaments - myosin myofibrils do not extend the length of muscle fibre, but are arranged in compartment called sacromeres the sacromere is the basic functional unit of a myofibril, Z discs (Z lines) separate the sacromeres.
0- skeletal muscle tissue - attached to bones via tendons, long cells, striated, multinucleate, voluntary control - cardiac muscle tissue - heart, striated, branched, sigle central nucleus, intercalated discs, invonluntray - smooth muscle tissue - in the walls of hollow internal structures, e.g. blood vessels, intestines, skin, non-striated (smooth), single central nucleus, involuntary
0consist of elongated cells (muscle fibres) that use energy from hydrolysis of ATP to generate force. produce body movements, maintain posture and generates heat
0erythrocytes - transport oxygen and carbon dioxide leukocytes - combat disease - neutrophils and monocytes - phagocytic - basophils - intensify the inflammatory reaction - eosinophils - against certain parasitic worms and in acute allergic response - lymphocytes - immune response platelets - clotting
01. lamellae - concentric rings of mineral salts for hardness 2. lacunae - small spaces between lamellae that contain mature bone cells (osteocytes) 3. canaliculi - minute canals 4. central canal - contains blood vessels and nerves
01. osteogenic cells mesenchymal stem cells that develop become trapped and become osteoblasts 2. osteoblasts bone-forming cells 3.osteocytes mature bone cells derived from osteoblasts trapped within extracellular matrix. maintain bone tissue. involved in exchange of nutrients and wastes 4.osteoclasts large, multinucleated cells from the fusion of blood monocytes. break-down bone.
41. loose connective tisssue (many cells, fewer fibres) - areola - three types of fibres (collagen, reticular, elastic). widely distributed, strenghen, elasticity, support - adipose - adipocytes dominant. found with areolar connective tissues. insulation. energy source.
0mesenchyme (embryonic) give rise to all other connective tissues. Consist of connective tissue cells (mesenchymal cells) in a semi-fluid ground substance containing reticular fibres
0collagen fibres - thick reticular fibres - thinner, branching, also mainly composed of collagen - spread through tissues elastic fibres - thin, consists of protein elastin, surrounded by glycoprotein fibrilin
0the matrix is composed of the ground substance in association with three different types of fibres in different proportions Ground substance is composed of a mixture of water protein polysaccharides The sugar include - glycosaminoglycans The glycosaminoglycan join with core proteins to form proteoglycans
0fibroblasts - widely destributed in connective tissues, migratory - secrete components of the matrix (fibres and ground substances) adipocytes - under skin and around organs - store fat (triglycerides)
0去你的BIOSCI,我爱你STATS 116
0Gonna die...
0Gonna die...
10someone help me。。。
4@_Messi_喂 @_Messi_喂 @_Messi_喂 咳,不知道艾特得到艾特不到,多艾特了几遍
12情银情银~~~我现在和你等级一样了~~~~@顾绮绯 好想你啊,好久没见你了