0GYROTONIC® 中的特定节奏发挥什么作用?它们如何影响身体? 节奏可以防止身体停滞。当我们运动时,节奏可以帮助我们摆脱分析性思维和干扰性思维,这些思维会阻止或停滞运动。节奏让我们能够倾听我们智能身体的声音。 Rhythm keeps stagnation from settling into the body. As we move, rhythm helps us get out of our analytical minds and our distracting thoughts, which stop or stagnate movement. Rhythm allows us to listen to our intelligent bodies. [微笑R] 关注我们提供更多婵柔小知识 留言可获取最新
00000000000000000000000000000000下面文章是一篇关于几个患者练习婵柔后康复的心声,非常值得大家去收集自己客户的案例。Master Trainer Shevi Baruch helping patients with range of injuries 帮助各种运动损伤的客户With more fitness programs and classes available than ever, it’s a challenge to decide which one to choose at the Santa Monica Based Body Rhythm Gyrotonic® studio. The Gyrotonic® method is an original and unique form of exercise that simultaneously stretches and strengthens the body with minimal effort, while increasing range of motion, creating space in the joints, and000Dima Fedorov 在结束了杭州GK00课程后,Dima老师又将开启新一站上海的GYROKINESIS®垫上禅柔一阶GK01授课之旅。 Dima老师是GYROTONIC®和GYROKINESIS®的⼤师级培训师,运动杂技硕士,拥有十五年以上的禅柔学习和教学经历,是首位将禅柔运动引入俄罗斯的团队成员之一。 Fedorov is the master-level trainer of GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®. He is the postgraduate in acrobatics and has 15 years of GYROTONIC® practicing and teaching experience. Fedorovis the first one of the team members who brings in GYROTONIC® to Russia. 出0000000