3本人在这个世界存在28年了,嗯…… 有一个男孩子认识3年左右了 不是特别熟 但是我对他蛮有好感的 认识但几乎没交集 想问问如果想要关系再进一步的话?要怎么做了#追人##恋爱#
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23In just a couple of hours, it will be January 26, 2015. I'm so thankful to God for the speical coming dawn, when the first blush of the radiance of the Orient shows in the sky: it's Paul Newman's birthday! Were he alive, he would be in his ninetieth year. These are the words so floodig my soul that I just can't wait to give utterance for tomorrow: " Happy birthday, my dear Paul ! " How much I do hope that there will be many many years to come for me to give my most cordial birthday wishes here to you on Baidu ! You are missed ! You will be missed !I I THANK GOD FOR TH
2343在保罗出道时,很多人把他称为白兰度的继任者,因为他们当时都是英俊小生的形象,都颇具才华,其实仔细对比,他们长得还颇为想象呢。61PAUL NEWMAN纵横影坛长达50年之久,从54年真正出道,到2007年退影,中间虽然有所起伏,但是半个世纪的辉煌,创造了无数的经典。在此进行一次详细的回顾,作为对先生的致敬! 热铁皮屋顶上的猫Cat on a Hot Tin Roof(1958) 保罗纽曼 加上 伊丽莎白·泰勒,没有比这更加令人兴奋的组合了! 这部极其性感的影片,除了 田纳西·威廉斯 的剧本之外,让其留名影史的无疑是2为巨星贡献出的精彩表演了。不可否认的是,那时的纽曼表101958 Written by William Faulkner Directed by Martin Ritt Cast of characters Paul Newman: Ben Quick Orson Welles: Will Varner Joanny Woodward: Clara Varner The film, its countryside view and attire of the roles all gave us a rustic feel, and I think they pulled off their accent fairly well, but it was quite trying for me to follow the fast patter of their speech, as I found no Chinese captions again, so in order to hurdle this at the very least a little bit, I watched the movie twice to get some better understanding. And the following are what I took notes of while our Paul, cast as Ben Quick i3我是新人,00后,今天早上搜索纽曼哥的帅照时搜到一张奇怪的照片,图在二楼,如有知情者请告诉我,谢谢了。3340让我慢慢想想133一楼Paul27因为这期《读者》有一篇文章写保罗纽曼..写得太好了,偶感动到快哭了..而且,偶看完那一篇文章后,更崇拜保罗纽曼了..19Somebody up there Likes Me ( 1956 ) Paul Newman as Rocky Graziano Director Robert Wise Paul Newman landed this role after James Dean's sudden death, which was considered a part of the renowned " Paul Newman's luck." To help Paul prep the part of Rocky Graziano, the real Rocky spend a lot time with him before shooting, so that Paul could box in a way he did to take on this masssive challenge of playing the lead of a boxer, a type of work he had probably never dreamed of dabbling in.91863想找《奖》(The Prize),找了好长时间,哪能找到呀9又名:逃亡大作战 The Secret War of Harry Frigg (1968) 找了N年了....还是看不到...嗨。 无奈啊9210很喜欢保罗纽曼 这个吧还有活人么1065Though there is no way to bring you back from the dead, the intelligence of your mind shines upon us with a sense of rebirth. There must be quietude all around you in heaven. May God rest our dear Paul Newman.22一楼献给纽曼0看了大家的介绍,超级想看骗术大全这部电影,求链接,求下载。 谢谢。14109Paul Newman, a man who made his mark on the world as a superstar, a good partner in a lasting half- century marriage, a humanitarian, a successful businessman giving all his profits away to charity, an upholder of just causes, a political activist, a racer having a real zeal for speedway in his late- forties, a perfect father... and the one so DEAR to our hearts.1418A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958 ) was originally to be filmed in black and white, as was the standard practice with " artistic" films in the 1950s. However, once Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor were cast in th leads, director Richard Brooks insisted on shooting in color, in deference to the public's well known enthusiasm for Taylor's violet and Newman's strikingly blue eyes.12682431A Tribute to Paul Newman There are far too many reasons why he has a grip on me; at times we have no full grasp of the mystery why we have come to adore a person, but we just plunge into it headlong. 楼主 Paul Newman in his own words "I*m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think in life we need to be a little bit like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out." Paul Newman " Make sure you live life, which means don*t do things where you court celebrity, and give something positive back to our society." Paul Newman "A man can only be judged by