关注: 53 贴子: 135

  • 目录:
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    Absolutely free of charge. One to one with me. Reputable profession and occupation. Seeking companionship
    q12025 10-30
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    黄允泽 2-20
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    女朋友想辞掉现在的工作去应聘外企,但是吧,英语现在都忘得差不多了,只能找家英语培训机构来提升下了。英语培训机构的话,最好是有商务英语方面的,我看到美联英语这家有商务英语培训。因为很急,所以希望各位网友能推荐下。 女朋友跟我说,她有个同事曾经在美联英语学习过商务英语,进步挺快的,让她可以去美联英语这家英语培训机构试一试,我想先了解了解,再决定也不迟。不过查了查,感觉确实挺不错。美联英语竟然根据学员的
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    北大青鸟在疫情期间推出特惠活动,在5月18前过来了解的同学们,学费减免活动,只要你来我就敢减。 网络工程师 编程 抖音快手视频拍摄 游戏开发 产品设计 UI美工 各类课程在疫情期间都可得到相应的优惠 机不可失时不再来,各位小伙伴们拿起你们的小手,颤抖吧。 联系 石老师 15820850535 地址 莞城莞太大道120号金马大厦三楼北大青鸟
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    海盗yy6 10-28
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    有人说,都没复工推广干嘛呀?🤔 那我问你: 是不是迟早要复工? 复工了是不是要接单? 到时候是不是推广又扎堆了?挤破头? 所以要提前规划,未雨绸缪 你品,你细品
    Don841 2-22
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    英语 Water [wt2,,水] Margin [m2,zhn,,边缘] 水浒传,,Shui3hu3zhuan4,拼音汉字 Shui3hu3zhuan4,音标汉字 英语 Journey [zh2,ni,,旅行] to [tu] the [6a] West [we,sd] 西游记,,Xi1you2ji4,拼音汉字 X1yo2j4,音标汉字
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    转韦博英语 因为临时要去留学,还有3个级别 1万转出 需要没有去咨询过的 因为那边有信息
    GALA 1-19
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    Does someone knows where to buy DVD movies in DALINGSHAN, SONGSHANHU area, Thanks! I cant find in DALINGSHAN!
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    Hi, buddies, welcome to join Dongguan Changan English Corner...
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    地址:南城鸿福路腾龙大厦3楼. 一共6个级别,我只上了1个级别. 转让5个级别. 有兴趣学习英语的可以联系.最好有点英语基础的 刚开始几个月学的还不错,后来因为工作原因.. 实在没什么时间去学习..学下停下.没什么效果. 所以低价转让. 不去上时间也是浪费掉.. 原价34800. 现在底价11000出售. 买家需要付转让费7500.(1500一个级别) 注意:这是经过韦博英语认证的转让,不是私人转让. 还有2年2月的的学习时间,绝对超值.过了这村没这个店了. 去看看别人2,3个级别
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    东莞英语口语培训哪家好,对于很多在成都想学好英语的人们,其实大多数都是想学好英语口语吧,因为口语可以说是中国人在学习英语中的一大痛,应试教育苦读了十几年英语,经历了无数大大小小的考试,却难于说出一口准确、流利的英语,甚至很多人连简单的对话也不能进行,见到老外也不敢吧表达自己。 那么我们应该怎样才能学好英语呢?报一个成都英语口语培训机构想必是一个不错的选择,因为现在的东莞英语口语培训机构中有很多外教
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    为什么iBS提倡系统化英语学习?是因为外语学习不仅要考虑“学了没有”,还要考虑, “学会了没有”,对于零基础的学生而言,系统化学习尤为重要。 知己知彼外语学习从了解自己开始 每一位来到iBS的学生,在正式开始课程学习之前会进行一次系统的科学评测,包括笔试与口语测试,帮助学生了解自身英语水平、明确提升英语的学习目标,并以此作为合理分班的重要依据。 循序渐进把关听、说、读、写每个环节 课程从入门的语音、语法词汇、口
    信贷袁 6-19
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    上周的英文歌唱比赛初赛听得还过瘾吗? 哪位参赛选手的歌声更让你陶醉呢? 新鲜出炉的复赛名单你知道了吗? 小编就不墨迹了 直接上图 ▼ 1 清新独唱型 2 个性弹唱型 3 深情对唱型 4 热情合唱型 你以为这就结束了吗? 当然,不 最重要的 你们最想听的 现在的公布 2016外语活动月歌唱比赛晋级复赛名单 今天就酱啦,期待小伙伴们复赛的精彩表现。
    信贷袁 6-18
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    现在东莞有2家韦博,南城跟东城 由于工作原因.最近1个月没去上课了.接下来估计也没时间.实在太忙了. 唉。。。。 5个级别原价34800+送一个级别. 就是6个级别. 2014-7-24到2017-7-24 卖28000/转让费我出.. 有兴趣可以联系13650332277/倪生.
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    Electric products l Tell me some electric products at your home?Do you think the electric products make your life more convenient ? l What are the functions do a computer,a cell phone,a TV,a camera have? l What kind of electric products do you want?What’s the most expensive products have you bought? l If you want to buy some electric products does the brand matter? l Where do you like to buy the electric products? At the mall or in a Shoppe? l Sometimes the electric products do will be out of order. During warranty period we just need to bring them to the special repair shop. l
    qslhus 12-3
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    Are you satisfied? l Are you satisfied with your daily life?Why or why not? l Are you satisfied with your family?Do you get a lot focus or get ignored? l Are you satisfied with your lovers? Why or why not? l Are you satisfied with the new gifts that you got? What’s the most satisfied gift that you received? Who bought you? l Are you satisfied with your job? If you are not satisfied how long does it take for you to quit the job or you just complain? l Are you satisfied with your school? How about the facility, the teachers and the classmates? l Are you satisfied with your hairstyle? I
    Q577208252 4-23
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    discount l What kind of products are you interested if they have a discount? l What kind of holidays that we will have many goods given discount? l List some goods that often given discount? Handbags shampoo clothes accessories shaver l List some goods that rarely given discount gold gasoline/petrol house car freight l Usually for the products on sale can not get refunded ,do you think it is acceptable?Why or why not? l How do you ask the owner to give you a discount?
    Q577208252 4-23
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    Crazy moments l Do you agree that only the young one do crazy things? Why or why not? l What will make you crazy? Have you ever been crazy to someone or something? l Have you done some crazy things as below, when did you do it? play hooky Running out your school at midnight Running on the road with barefoot star chaser Steal a ride l Can you describe once you have been crazy and you enjoyed a lot? l In your opinion what kind of crazy things should the lovers do? l Do you know anyone who is a little crazy? What kind of crazy thing did he/she do?
    Q577208252 4-23
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    Part time jobs l Look at the pictures please tell me what are their part time jobs? Have you ever had any part time jobs? What did you do? How long did you do? l Having part time job for the college students, it is good or bad? Please tell me at least 3 reasons. l What are your ideal part time jobs? Have you tried? l Usually, how do you find part time jobs? Using the internet or a door to door visit or introducing by your friend or relatives? l What can you get from part time jobs? Did you make any good friends through your part time jobs?
    Q577208252 4-23
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    Photos l Look at the photos, how do you feel when you see them? l Amazing/gorgous/handsome/special/funny/quiet/exaggerated/breathtaking l In your opinion, what are they doing? Where are they? l Do you like taking photos? Would you like to take photo of objects or human being? Are you good at taking photos?Do you know anyone who is a photography? l What’s your favorite photo in your album? Can you show us? Who/What were in the photo? l Do you have a family photo? Where/when did you take it? l Do you have artistic photo? How were the photos? Do you think it is a good idea to record your
    Q577208252 4-23

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