18网站:http://atrl.net/forums/showthread.php?t=572316 其中也包括了片段试听。
7Medina由于人气过于低迷 专辑We Survive大Flop销量不满意 近日宣布取消即将到来的所有We Survive的巡演安排……… 泰悲惨勒 演唱会都开不起来
474昨天有事没能看到天天向上直播,苦苦等到今天才看到转播直接跳到Medina的一段,果然妹迪娜还是如此有型,喜欢的就是她的范,最开始就是无意间看到You and I,Addiction,For Altid 的mv喜欢上Medina的。看到我们吧主被妹迪娜临幸各种嫉妒羡慕恨当然更多的也是激动,看到Medina对粉丝这么好真的是感动cry 看到吧里很多新人问Medina的歌,原来我也发过一些但好像都下载不了了,今天全部整理一下发百度网盘,现在还在慢慢拖,我就先发曲目,等一会儿贴链47嗯 = = 多数是M4A的,所以音质大家可以放心。 但是像首砖,我没有下到M4A就只有MP3的了,我会标注的。 每次传一两个吧。248快钱全新未拆的都有,我去!!! 亏我还刚刚花了130大洋买了《Forever2.0》2不过你都不是新专的.... Songs: 51. Kl. 10 144. Kun For mig 169. For Altid 170. Mest Ondt 181. Jalousi 188. Addiction Albums 38. Velkommen Til Medina 75. For Altid1Yeah. It's FORGABT time!4大FLOPPPPP5Someone New One day, one day, maybe we'll talk about the memories that we shared someday we could meet up and laugh about it. I know we have our differences I know we gave each other shit the way we never evened out. Now could it be we could be friends sometimes when we talked, we talked all night I think I miss that, I think I miss that. But don't get me wrong it's good to see you happy, happy with somebody, someone new, someone new. It's good to see you happy, happy with somebody, someone new, someone new. All I want, I want is for you to be loved all I want, I want is for us163叫我这种没什么内涵的人弄乐评也写不出什么,不过强迫症倒是一大问题,所以简单评价加吐槽下新专辑歌曲吧 总的来说新专辑编曲非常抓耳,歌听的不多的我在新专里听到了很多新鲜的电音元素 Runnin Out of Love节奏轻松愉快,Medina少有的曲风,不知道为什么有种少女的感觉... We Survive中规中矩 Someone New全专最爱,歌词也打动人(苦逼),之前丹麦热度最高就这首,打单的话说不定成绩会不错;不过最后一段副歌是修音没修好还是怎么回事,感觉声音2今天写在微信公众号上的 所以删减了一些 明天贴吧发未删减版 有兴趣关注微信号 音乐大爆炸MUSICABOOM112iTunes: #3 Denmark #4 Jordan #6 Sweden #15 Germany #20 Norway #23 Austria #34 Israel #38 Switzerland #50 Spain #58 Paraguay #101 Turkey #106 Russia1080话说我微博/贴吧同步更新好麻烦 大家能方便的话关注一下@Medina资讯 靴靴00也是一首很电的歌曲,难道又要做劳模么,新专不到一个月就发行了首单还没上架iTunes,MV也不播是要闹哪样,不知道新单是不是要发丹麦语专辑还是收到We Survive做豪华版曲目44He's a good heartbreaker And he slipped under your skin He's a first class taker But you're sick of giving in So you play your music And you sing along with all the words Till they make sense to you Till you can breathe again and you ask Why have I lost this? Why I left you have a Lie, but we survive We survive So tell me why? 'Cause I need you Why? Are we singing? Why, and we'll survive We'll survive And it gets b*tter, every day you're weaking out Just a little bit stronger Just a little more I'm stunned So you change your number And you put your lipstick on Go on pretend there's no regrets0可能音质比较低的原因,所以好像不是很high http://pan.baidu.com/s/1borWgAb 我在ins听到�新专辑里��同的歌曲,都41. 已经在Berlin电台首唱 并策划接下来的宣传 2. 自英文专辑Forever后 阔别两年 Medina回归环球音乐 继续策划0居然是六周前就在内部电台播了MV,还现场唱了,我想这首会不会是先抒情然后再劲爆,或者有个抒情版