26曲目列表: 01 Sorry 02 The Dust Wont Settle 03 Destination Rendezvous 04 Boo Hoo 05 I Spy 06 Red Lady 07 Don't Tread On My Toes 08 I Don't Wanna Stay 09 That's Why I Love You 10 Delicious 11 Get Off My Girl 12 Nothing But Air 13 Do You Wrong 14 Separate Ways 15 I'm Gone 许多传说中的歌曲都在这张专辑中,2005年的时候,因为首单Sorry成绩实在惨淡,所以这张专辑取消了发行计划。今年1月份,Youtube上的D3Barr音乐频道才将这张专辑发布,不过音质确实不高,很可能是翻录版,不过也是老古董了,能听
194111122037在这里发一下 也防止以后忘记16http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJtFd9p 先放地址2019115424725158535大家快来灌水啊!2612219如果格子们觉得自己对A1的多数歌词足够熟悉的话可以来试试哦~~ 我抽一句歌词,看你知不知道这是哪首歌里的~~ 同时我会用一幅好看的图配着歌词,表示出我对这首歌的某种程度上的想象。就当是给大家分享点儿图片吧,用来做幻灯片什么的背景都是不错的~~25A1吧主致所有格子: _________________________________________________________________________________ 2013已近在眼前,2012年尾,优格男孩们带来了新砖。此时此刻我以无比激动的心情写下这些,一些情绪即使持续了数年也依然深刻。相信你们都懂。A1贴吧是所有人永远的基地,我也会守候在这里,JUST LIKE ONCE【Billy、Marine_瑶 做的那样! _________________________________________________________________________________ <Rediscovered>,作为英国/挪威组合A1的第五张录音室专辑,已于2012年1117这么多年了,老朋友们,我们终于成功了!!!0A1相关网址: 官方Friendster: http://profiles.friendster.com/thebestofa1 Ben Adams的Friendster: http://profiles.friendster.com/benadamsuk Mark Read的Friendster: http://profiles.friendster.com/markfriendster Christian的Friendster: http://profiles.friendster.com/christiana1band Paul的Friendster: http://profiles.friendster.com/paulmarazzimusic http://profiles.friendster.com/paulsnagsby1026★☆Ben Adams is a rare find in pop these days. In an industry only just getting over the ripple-effect of one-too-many TV talent shows, not only can he sing, write and produce his own material, at the tender age of 25, he's already gained enough experience in the music industry to call his own shots. Ben's musical endeavours surprise and exhilarate at every turn, and he's ripping up the rule books of what constitutes pop music and doing things his way. ★☆These are no idle claims. Ben provides an unselfconscious alternative to the devaluing effect reality TV has had on the genre. "The po9你可能会在MySpace Profile中看到这篇自传的某些内容,但最为关键的是剩下的,真的很难找到...8★☆Paul showed interest in music from a very young age. His earlier preference was dance and loved to mimic Shaking Stevens. He went on to win a dance competition in London and was presented with a trophy from top recording stars Five Star. He joined Pineapple dance studios & Anna Sheers acting school in London. ★☆In 1998 Paul answered an advert to audition for a band. He was the only successful candidate from over 2000 boys who were seen across the country.70A1的歌迷其实并不是很多,可是我们能够走到一起不能不说是一种缘分 2楼的一些调查会让我们彼此更加了解,说不定还会找到更多共同语言:) 我在一些论坛上看见有这种调查,就拿来了,呵呵~ ps:a1的群是6607224,欢迎加入 大家有a1的消息也一起贴噢..加油! a1 4ever!!!66让我们结成联盟,一起等待他们的又一个奇迹43