6This month’s update brings a quest chain where we’re introduces to a set of interesting characters, including the mysterious tiger riding blood elf. - New quest chain (talk to tiger blood elf after leaving Alori's tower first time) - Updated Imara's second scene - Updated Imara's clothes the in second scene- Updated clothes texture for Alex - Charlotte now wears black panties - Fixed and updated Chinese and German localization- Fixed some small bugs- Added some visual improvements 本月的更新带来了一个任务链,在这里我们将介绍一组有趣的角色,包括
6本月的最新消息是献给亚历山大德莱尼群中潜在的最新成员贝西。除了“全天通行证”和神秘的“德雷尼山”服务外,她的所有服务现在都可以在农场使用。 在农场某个女孩旁边的椅子上有免费的金子。 通常,新的NPC不会在我们进入村庄时出现,但需要出现某些进展触发器。前面提到的暗夜精灵和林尼斯特拉应该在第一次参观阿洛里塔之后出现。 按N键进行speedhack。 要想在瀑布找到卢西亚,需要完成赫米特的任务。
2Patchnotes for BiB2 v0.55b This update brings money and reputation systems to the inventory screen. Alex will now earn money and reputation for completing the various quests in the village. We've also added UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) UIs to the quest bullet board and the to the dialogue options for purchasing services at the farm. - Improved lighting for better visibility in sex scenes - Added missing sounds - Concluded Hemet's most recent porn shoot -scene - Alori's quest extended with a delivery mission and a scene - Updated Charlotte's (inn-keeper's daughter) model -
0Patchnotes for BiB2 v0.45b After a successful rescue mission, Alex and Luxia find themselves sharing the inn room with an old acquaintance, who is particularly grateful towards one of them. - Farm scene concluded - 2 new scenes added - Added new animations and cinematic camera angles to some dialogues - Fixed cameras with incorrect depth of field (DOF) - Chinese and German localisation updated - Various optimisations done to slim down game size and memory usage Commonly, new NPCs are not present right as we enter the village but require certain progression triggers to appear. Aforementioned ni
1艾泽拉斯的尾巴是一系列情节游戏,灵感来源于魔兽世界的情节。每一集都致力于一个独立的故事的具体人物,同时仍然遵循相同的叙述。有5个完整的游戏,另一个正在开发中 它提供了许多内容,其中一些是: •原创故事,讲述艾泽拉斯所有最性感的女人和最性感的男人。 •高质量、优化的图形和反应灵敏、易于获取的第三人称视图,通过Unreal Engine 4实现游戏体验。 •6集传奇故事中的大量色情游戏。 时间顺序: 1大法师Alori 2蓝吊更好 3.蓝吊更好
0亲爱的tailsofazeroth吧的吧友们:大家好! “火车王暗影玄冰”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计0张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@火车王暗影玄冰,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
0Silicon Lust - v0.1b (DEMO)The public demo was released on 26 February, 2021.Download links:https://mega.nz/file/fJ8gRbyK#tV-UmdCFhejHVunvnfB3yVZgTKFSu08ZKO
0经核实吧主鸡儿硬邦邦yo 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 tailsofazeroth吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0亲爱的tailsofazeroth吧的吧友们:大家好! “鸡儿硬邦邦yo”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计1张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@鸡儿硬邦邦yo,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu