0Americans consider认为 mistakes in news stories to be put there放在那里 on purpose[p2pes]企图 — either要么 because the reporter is misrepresenting [mis,reprizhNt]歪曲了 the facts (54 percent) or making them up entirely [in,tai2Li]彻底地 (28 percent). 54%的美国人认为新闻报道中的错误是故意的,因为记者歪曲了事实,28%的美国人认为新闻报道中的错误是故意编造的。
2YESYES ,AND, WISH me pass my test.
1Today is special day,Uh...Is my brithday,no many friend,but i don't feel lonely.I thing zhe day should go with mom.
2Never chuck away a chance to improve your English!!
5During a seminar, a woman asked," How do I know if I am with the right person?" The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, "It depends. Is that your partner?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?" Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind replied the author. Here's the answer. Every relationship has a cycle… In the beginning; you fall in love with your partner. You anticipate their calls, want their touch, and like their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love wasn't hard. In fact, it was a complete
1i am a cainiai
0想要常驻的吧友注意啦!本吧旨在与大家共同学习交流提高英语,互相提供学习的各种学习资源,如各种过级考试,每日一句英语,大家共同提高。 1、鼓励原创(转载请务必注明出处); 2、有一定回复数量; 3、有新意,不与之前的精品帖重复 能引起大家共鸣(纯英文发帖内容不宜过难),不与之前的话题贴重复; 4、 同一时间段连续开贴,发布多次者作刷屏处理,一律删帖、封禁(若因系统问题出现连续发帖现象,可放宽处理) 。 5、一楼必须
0今天看电影,学到句话,i am fucking believe 真是难以置信,笑了
02014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014
0Happy Christmas Eve,The festival is not important for me
0I am depressed,what can i do for this.
0Every every broing.Today rained all zhe time. i want to go home,i miss my sister and mather.Um...SObroing,i wish i can leave zhe school as sonn as possible.I hope that i can do someing for my home.But howevery,i have to stay hear three year.I miss zhe past day and thing. but I said that i never regret,because i tried that and it did not work.i did my best.The smell of failure,i thing everyone not attempt to this.sleep...Tomorrow will be better.Goodbye today.
0However,give mysefl a litter confidence.I will succsee.Certain.
0发音不够地道标准让很多英语学习者苦恼,那么要怎么才能有标准圆润的发音呢? 1.倾听自己的声音。要听到自己的发音问题,才知道怎么纠正 2.模仿和对比。有对比才知道自己哪里发音不够标准圆润,才能有的放矢地纠正 3.不要害怕犯错。越害怕犯错越不敢开口。 这需要一个长期的坚持,如果你自制力不够,坚持不了,你也可以选择报班,在老师的监督下学习,效果会事半功倍,但最好选择那种一对一教学的,比如李阳易说
29Northern Sea and Northern Fish
9Payments company Square is different from many consumer technology startups in that many businesses use the service all day for retail transactions in brick-and-mortar locations. Always be testing. At Square Tavern. The transactions are critical to these businesses and have to work in many different situations in the “real world.” So Square’s multi-tiered testing program is a key part of its development process for its hardware and software. The quickly growing payments company, headed by Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey, last year announced a major deal with Starbucks and raised a major f
4Yummy someone is grilling out...i smell chicken...i guess i will have to pay someone a visit ....lol
11Shibui (渋い) (adjective), shibumi (渋み) (noun), or shibusa (渋さ) (noun) are Japanese words which refer to a particular aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty. Like other Japanese aesthetic terms, such as iki and wabi-sabi, shibui can apply to a wide variety of subjects, not just art or fashion.31student council, time to pick a prom theme: A) a night in paris B) what if pokemon were real C) what about digimon huh D) all of the above1DOES ANYONE KNOW SOMEONE NYC whose place I stay at all next week? From Monday~Friday (15th~19th). My interview is on Tuesday at 11:30AM so I'm planning on being in NYC on Monday. I promise I'll try to be out and about the entire day so I won't bother the person (or you!). I just need a place to sleep. My job interview is going to be at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center so the closer to there the better. I'm even willing to pay, I'm pretty desperate right now XD; THANK YOU