180再也不用去螺丝厂打工了! https://tieba.baidu.com/p/927661120762What if things could be different? What if you could save her? This question plagued the minds of most people after finishing the first act of DDLC. 假使能改变故事走向,假使你能拯救她,那当如何?这是多数人通关一周目后的期盼。 The story begins shortly after MC confesses his love for Sayori on the day before the festival. something wakes him up in the middle of the night however, and prompts him to check on Sayori, stopping her before she takes her own life. 故事开始于学园祭前一天,MC向纱世里告白后。午夜惊醒莫名驱使他确认纱世4323519502127566733263328大家好,这个帖子的内容大概是我一个月前心血来潮归纳的,虽然说是攻略但其实大部分真爱粉对于写诗部分都已经琢磨得很透了,所以我加入了自己的理解并对三位女孩的词做了简单分类,算是仅此表达一些我的观点吧。如果能帮到一些新人也是我的荣幸。不懂之前贴吧有没有类似的贴,撞了还请多见谅。需要注意的是,以下词语翻译全部以plus版官方简中为准,并且由于我本人的疏忽可能会有不少错误、遗漏,还望见谅并不吝赐教。14230320138918632381128921785710553121029472有没有人知道纱世里的生日是多久啊397202