0经核实吧主破西佳 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 囧在英文班吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0经核实吧主华丽紫色系 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 囧在英文班吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
19Having too many thoughts being a distinctive character trait of an A-blood type, Yunho also carries this trait. Won the Best Dancer award from SM and is the most talented in dancing. His hobby is to choreograph. Has experience as a rapper from Dana’s 1st album song–Diamond. He likes to play basketball, and is talented in martial arts (hap ki do) for he placed 3rd in a contest. On the other hand, he enjoys writing fictional stories and has diverse thoughts.
3Han stated that his original intention was to simply resolve his biological son’s military duty conflicts. He did not wish to create such a scandal and cause trouble to JaeJoong, and stated that he was scarred by speculations that he wanted to take advantage of his biological son’s fame. Han dropped the case after Jaejoong’s statement recognized Han as his father but would not be changing his surname, also stating that he wanted both his mothers to live happily and to take care of him. His expressed a will that he did not wish for his family history to be exposed to the public and media
2每年的这个时候,祝福就会涌向大家,希望我的祝福象一叶轻舟,载大家乘风破浪到达成功的彼岸! 祝大家新春快乐!万事如意!合家欢乐!财源广进!投资成功!心想事成!事事顺利!健康平安!开心幸福!
2求求各位大大们帮我长长眼,看看这个怎样,没问题的话就顶这个了。 http://url.cn/5TIw1j 我知道囧在英文班吧友都是热心的,求意见~~
8说实话,我无意间进的这个贴吧。 本以为现在的孩子不少都不喜欢学英语了。 既然这样的话,那啥... 我也来吧!
9最近的语法越学越乱...... 小吧...给我讲讲非限制定语从句吧... 比如说..把这个句子改成非限制定语从句..... A boy was bitten by a dog today.it caused a quarrel between neighbors. thanks a lot~:-)
7RT~~~ 百科是flight ticket~~~ 我手机查出来是passenger ticket~~~ 但是我觉得air ticket也可以~~~~ 哪个比较好一点啊~~~
3He also topped the 4ChaWon (a person who seems to be from outer space) stars since last year as shown on YTN STAR on the 19th here. 4Chawon stars are popular and well-known for their extraordinary, different, and unique personalities. For Changmin, they showed a picture of a page from his childhood diary and he filled up a page by writing a list of foods. They’re saying that his behaviour, poses, and actions seem to be weird/interesting/unique. Changmin, like the rest of TVXQ, has a dog called MangDongie which is a female Maltese, named after a small type of fish. He chose this dog because t
3On January 1st, 2007, after finished an appearance on MBC TV’s ‘2006 Korea Gayo Big Festival, JaeJoong was involved in a car accident with Yoochun at 4pm, driving his BMW Sports car into a roadside tree – they were trying to escape fans that were following them in a taxi. Luckily, there weren’t any major injuries, though the car was damaged. Statement from TVXQ: “an accident occurred at the start of the New Year. Others probably think that they are lucky and it could have been worse. But for them it was a close call.” Then, on January 20th, 2008, while on their way to a Cassiopeia
27= =.....新作~
1On April 7, 2006, Jaejoong was charged with ‘Drinking Under the Influence (DUI)’. He was caught drunk while driving in KangNam at 1:20am with an alcohol reading of 0.071%. JaeJoong was released soon after the police caught him. However, due to violation of the Road Traffic Law, his driving license was suspended for 100 days. Jaejoong’s DUI incident resulted in some of TVXQ’s schedule being cancelled and, thus, two days after at the BBQ Concert in Korea, Jaejoong appeared to perform with the rest of TVXQ, and sincerely apologized to all his fans about the incident. In addition, SM banne
1不要脸的来给我的新文做广告来了... 是短篇,大概一万多字就能结束的。 http://hi.baidu.com/%E5%8D%8E%E4%B8%BD%E7%B4%AB%E8%89%B2%E7%B3%B 凉夏 谢谢捧场~~~~飘走...
11 What will happen to TVXQ? Jung Yunho: Honestly speaking, I can’t say anything as of now, but more than anything, I wish that everything will be resolved well and rationally. 2 Honestly, isn’t it difficult for it to be solved successfully? Jung Yunho:I don’t understand why people continue to think negatively. (laugh) In fact, there has been a lot of ugly rumors recently. So even if the problem can be solved well, there are times when I also think negatively because of the rumors. I hope no one would believe in those.
4http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/h-11c6YVljQ/ 还是在线的~~ 是RISING SUN SHOW CASE上,珉珉和大米唱的《U KNOW I LOVED YOU》
1I did my best 我已尽我所能 But i guess my best wasn't good enough 但依然做的不够 Cause here me are back where we were before 因为我们又回到原点 Seems nothing ever changes 一切都似乎都未改变 We're back to being strangers 我们又变成陌生的人 Wondering if we ought to stay 不知是应该留下 Or head on out the door 还是该踏门而出 Just once 仅此一次 can we figure out what weKeep doing wrong 究竟我们做错了什么 Why we never last for very long 为何我们的感情不能长久 What are we doing wrong 我们到底错在哪里 Just on
6老歌了~~很喜欢在在的唱法,不过原唱是个黑人叫sisqo 歌词: Whoo Ooh Oh yeah yeah Listen Bright lights Fancy restaurants Everything in this world that a man could want Got a bank account bigger than the law should allow Still I‘m lonely now Pretty faces from the covers of the magazines From their covers to my covers wanna lay with me Fame and fortune still can‘t find Just a grown man runnin out of time
9最近还真是冷清啊,望天~~貌似我也懒,都没怎么上来。 今天给大家推荐一首曲子,是咱小桃子在去年SBS上和bigbang打擂台时候自弹自唱的曲子,my everything。没话说,俊酱在那一刻就是个王子!! 另外,每次看那个表演都超级激动的,bigbang的那位就是自己单打独斗的唱,咱小俊后面可是强大的东方神起配唱啊!!就听到在中在后面的声音了,呵呵呵,果然是好兄弟!! 这首歌是98度的作品,下面是他们的MV,整体感觉更性感一些,和咱教主的风格不大
6话说~这 enjoy ,joy ,joy in ,take part in,这些类似的词语我都加强记忆了很久了…… 可是还没记清…… 咳咳~~~ 麻烦小佳了啊~~~ BOBO~~~
5As a young boy, he is a shy and quiet person who doesn’t really talk much during interviews, but he is very talkative and witty once you get to know him. He can be honest and blunt when he strongly believes that something should not be done. When he was in elementary school in 6th grade, he delivered newspapers as a part-time job. As his parents are teachers, he is also very competitive and tries very hard at schoolwork and reading, and encourages all his fans to do well in school and study. He also encourages them to spend more time and money on their parents and family ; this is shown in h
3While Jaejoong is the oldest member in DBSK, he has been known to act like he’s on some serious happy pills, and has a major love for helium. You’ll often hear about or see JaeJoong getting up to mischief along with Changmin. Although, Changmin does love to give JaeJoong a bit of a tough time (Catch the Mouse game). Bit of one-touch love, people. JaeJoong is straightforward, can be quite blunt at times, and gives the most criticism to the other members in regards to music. He tends to take on the “mother” position of DBSK, due to his neat and tidy personality, his ability t
10Shim Changmin was born in Seoul, in 1988. He was grouped with the youngest participants in the audition. Like Xiah Junsu, he impressed the judges with his powerful voice. He joined the group under the name Choikang Changmin. Choikang in Korean means “Most Powerful”, or approximately, “the best”; “Max” became an international rendition of this name. Changmin is the youngest (or maknae) in the group although he is the most modest and has the deepest thoughts. During debut (2004) Changmin held the image of the “Cute Maknae”, but recently, he exposed that because of Junsu, he almos
19Name: Shim Changmin (심xCC3D;민 or 沈昌珉) Stage Name: MAX | Choikang Changmin (최강xCC3D;민 or 最强昌珉) Birthdate: February 18, 1988 Birthplace: Seoul (서울) Height: 189cm Weight: 61 kg Blood Type: B Chest Size: 104cm Family: Mother, Father, Two younger sisters. Education: Kyunghee University ( Majoring in Post Modern Music ) Position: Tenor Religion: Buddhist Hobbies: Games, singing, listening to music, eating, running & reading Special Ability: Singing and dancing Awards: 6th Annual SM Best Competition - Best Singing 1st Place & Best Art
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4Kim JaeJoong was born in 1986, and left his hometown in his early teens to audition for SM Entertainment. Up until this point, JaeJoong had a tough past and faced many issues because of this– working many jobs to support himself. It was his dream to become a singer, originally being tone-deaf and working very hard to rectify that fault. Eventually, JaeJoong dropped out of school for singing, auditioned at SM, and debuted under the name a fortune teller foretold years before: YoungWoong JaeJoong (영xC6C5;재xC911;). He is also known as Hero, the meaning YoungWoong (영
10Name: Kim JaeJoong Stage Name: YoungWoong Jaejoong Also Known As: Hero JaeJoong Birth Date: January 26, 1986 Birthplace: Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea Height: 180cm Weight: 63 kg Blood Type: O Family: Adoptive Parents; 8 adoptive older sisters (he was the youngest child); 1 half brother and 1 half-sister (both younger); birth parents. Education: Senior (Last Year of High School) Position: Vocals - Middle high, Main Vocal Religion: Christian; JaeJoong was Atheist before joining Dong Bang Shin Ki. Awards: 2nd Annual SM Best Competition - Best Appearance 1st Place
4The group’s second member, Jung Yunho, secured his spot in TVXQ through a dance competition in which he won first place. Being from Gwangju, he had to commute several hours from home to practice to even get a chance at becoming an entertainer. After his selection he gained some experience in the midst of spotlight by being a rapper and backup dancer for K-pop singer Dana- who is now no longer a solo but a member in The Grace. As a dancer, he accompanied many Korean singers, traveling to China as well. Jung debuted as U-know Yunho. His chose his stage name as “U-know” from his Korean name
11Yunho is often mistaken for the oldest in the group because he is the leader (Jaejoong is the oldest). As he particpated in the church choir he has the position of the base(the lowest note in male group) in the group. Yunho had a hard time becoming a singer. His father opposed of it. But now his father is the biggest supporter. Yunho is going to study hard and major in music in college. Just by looking at his face, it seems he grew up without any hardship right? Not, before he became a singer, 3 years ago, he left his home at GwangGoo and went to Seoul because he wanted to become a singer. Fro
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